CallCenter-Outsourcing, Call Center Outsourcing

Efficiency and Cost Savings with Call Center Outsourcing Solutions in Bangladesh

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, companies are constantly seeking ways to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs without compromising on quality.  One increasingly popular solution that has gained traction is call center outsourcing. Among the emerging destinations for this service, Bangladesh has emerged as a prime location for businesses looking to boost efficiency and save…

Unregistered telemarketers have been dealt with by access providers through warning letters and disconnections:

Access providers have taken action against illegal telemarketers, according to statistics between September 2019 and March 2021, disconnecting more than 21,700 lines for violating rules for the third time and issuing warning warnings for the first time in over 2,27,000 cases. The access providers are filing complaints and prosecuting defaulters in accordance with the Telecom…